• Feature Description:

Adding Extracurricular materials in each course is a very important thing, All added materials are available to you to navigate,to explore and organize, refer to "Action Menuto know all available management actions you can apply to the materials. 

  • Feature Path:

From the main right menu, select courses then select the desired course.

  • Explanation Video:

  • How To:

  1. Navigate to any tab of available tabs: Material, Assessment, Grades, Announcement, Students or Virtual class

  2. Current location

  3. Search for a material with Whole or part of a word.Once you start writing materials are filtered accordingly

  4. Add new material: you can add materials of type: Folder, File, Link or Note

  5. Order materials according to there Name, Kind (Type), Date Modified (created earlier or newest fist) or File size (big or small files first)

  6. Action menu

  7. Navigate to any created materials, or navigate to sub-folders by clicking on there parent folder.

  8. Status to show the state of the material published or scheduled.

  9. Seen by shows number of users who has seen the materials.