• Feature Description:

Adding Extracurricular materials to enrich your course with all types of files as PDF, PowerPoints, Videos ..etc. 

just drag the file and drop it inside the creation dialog box and enable file protection and schedule a publish date if needed.

  • Feature Path:.

From your Account Select Courses from left menu, select the course you need to create new file inside, then follow the creation steps

  • Explanation video:

  • How To:

  1. Select Materials tab

  2. Navigate to desired folder (optional) and Click on "Add New Material" button

  3. Select File from option list

  4. Write a title/ name of the file in "Title" box

  5. Drag the file to the "Add File" box, OR Click on the gray box to brows the file on your device.

  6. The selected file.

  7. Write a description of the file in "Description" box

  8. "Add publish date" check the box to add publish date by selecting a date in the future the file will be hidden from student and parent accounts till the publish date .

  9. "Enable file Protection"To prevent students or parents from downloading your video or PDF file, check the "enable file protection". 

  10. "i" icon shown a note that this feature is applied for PDF and Video files only.

  11. The "calendar Icon" to set a date and time in the future to publish the file at.

  12. Click "Create File" button The file will be uploaded successfully.

Feature tip:

Check Add Publish date to schedule the material appearance.

Check Enable file protection to protect videos and PDF from download.