• Feature Description:

Adding Extracurricular materials to enrich your course with a custom Note to add text, images, links, and/or any attachment to present information to your students. 

Each Note has a Rich Text Editor that enables you to customize font styles, colors, indentations, and other options. You can also upload files.

  • Feature Path:

From your Account Select Courses from left menu, select the course you need to create new Note inside, then follow the creation steps

  • Explanation Video:

  • How To:

  1. Select Materials tab

  2. Navigate to desired folder (optional) and Click on "Add New Material" button

  3. Select Note from option list

  4. Write a title/ name of the note in "Basic Info" box

  5. Write the content of the note using the rich text editor, you can customize font size, color and format as well as adding images and links.

  6. Add Attachment -if any- by dragging a file from your device to the "Attachment" gray box OR click on the gray box and brows the attachment.

  7. Write a description of the note in "Description" box

  8. Click "Allow Comment" to give your students/Parents a permission to comment - or not- on the note. Student/Parents comments will be visible to you inside the note preview page once you opened a created note.

  9. Check Add Publish date to schedule the material appearance.
  10. Click "Submit" button

The note will be uploaded successfully.

  • Feature Tips:

    • You can let your students watch almost all your selected Youtube videos from inside Coligo Notes. Embedding a Youtube Video in Notes is very beneficial to your students so that they are not exposed to youtube suggested videos. Please refer to "Rich text Editor" to know how to embed videos.