• Feature Description:

You can manage any material added inside a course by Editing its details, changing location, share it with your other courses or delete it. 


  • Feature Path:.

From your Account Select Courses from left menu, select the course you need to manage its materials, then follow the management steps

  • Explanation Video:

  • How To:

1- Edit Material: Change any editable property of a material according to its type as follows:

  • Folder: You can Edit a folder title, color code and description

  • File : You can Edit a file title and description

  • Link: You can Edit a link title, URL and Icon

  • Note: You can Edit a note title, content, Attachment, description and allowance of commenting.

2- Copy To: Create a copy of a material to a different location (folder) inside the same course or inside another course as follows:

1- Select Another Course Or the Same course

2- Select a destination folder inside the selected course


  •  Only copy of the material will appear in now location, original material still appear in the same location of creation. 
  • Materials' copies are not affected by any changes in one another , they are not linked .

3- Rename: Change a material title only as follows:

1- Write the new title

2- Click "Submit"

4- Delete: Remove a material permanently from the course, An alert is showing and you need to confirm deletion. Once deletion is confirmed materials and all related comments or attachments will be permanently deleted.

5- Share With: Create a copy of a material to a different location (folder) inside another course as follows:

1- Select Another Course from list

2- Select a destination folder inside the selected course



        6- Move To:  Moving a material from its original location to another location inside the same course, 

 1- Original location of the material

           2- Destination folder inside the same course.

           3- Click Submit.

            Note: Moved materials will be no longer exists in its original location.

  • Feature Tips:.

    • Sharing Tips:

      • Sharing is making copies of the material where they are all linked to the original material , so that if you updated the original material , all shared copies will be affected
      • Shared material changes' limitations: ٍ
      • This icon will distinguish Shared materials.  
      • Shared materials can only be: Copied, Moved to or Deleted from the course, Copy and move are explained earlier, Delete will only remove the material from the course, but the original copy will remain untouched.
      • Shared materials could be unshared using the action menu, where the "Unshare" option appears only with previously shared materials only.

    • ٍShare, Copy OR Move?

      • A shared materials is a related copy of the original material, So any changes in original material will affect the shared copy(ies)

      • A Copied material is not linked to the original material, So any changes in original material will not affect the copy(ies) 

      • A moved material is no longer exist in its original location.