School Courses

Add Courses
Feature Description: Courses are the link between The Course template, the classes, the subject and semesters it's easily created and it's one ...
Mon, 8 Mar, 2021 at 6:06 AM
Import Courses
Feature Description: Import Courses from your PC with a few Clicks  Feature Path: Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu then ...
Mon, 8 Mar, 2021 at 6:09 AM
Export Courses
Feature Description: Export all of your Courses from Coligo with one click Feature Path: Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu...
Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 at 3:04 AM
Manage Courses
Feature Description: Manage your school's Courses with a very simple way for importing and exporting Feature Path: Login to your Account, Sel...
Wed, 10 Mar, 2021 at 3:05 AM