• Feature Description:

Courses are the link between The Course templatethe classes, the subject and semesters it's easily created and it's one of the core objects in any school

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu then click on "Add Course"

  • How to

  1. Choose from the "Select semester" menu the semester you want to create this course in

  2. Choose from the "Course template" menu the course template of this course 

  3. From the "Students" menu choose the class of students who attend this course

  4. From the "Teachers" menu choose the  Teachers who give this course

  5. Type in the "Description" text box any description related to the course if there is any

  6. Choose the logo of the course from this list

  7. If you want to add a special logo to this course upload the desired picture from your PC by pressing this button

  8. In case you want to add color to this course.

  9. Click on "Create Course" to create it