Feature Description:

Editing/Deleting the grade categories weights and the credit hours of course templates in the new semester after copying the settings from the previous semester.

Feature Path:

  • Log in to the admin account, and select the existing year from the side menu, Gradebook.

Explanation video:

How To:

Standard grading :

To add/edit grade categories or their weights after copying

1-Click on Second semester “Second Term”

Grading categories:

2-Click on ”Add New Category” to add a new grade category name not existing.

From the three dots on the right :.

3-Click on ”Edit”To rename the Grade category name.

4-Click on ”Delete” To delete the grade category from the list if no grade entries are added to it in any semester.

To Add/Edit the weights or credit hours of the course template:

5/6-Click on “Manage list /Manage course weights” to show the list of course templates.

7-Click on “The three dots” to show the action menu for course templates Gradebook weights already added.

8-Click on “+” to Add grade book settings for the course template.

The action menu for course templates Gradebook weights.:

9-Click on”Copy” to copy Gradebook settings of the course template to another

10-Click on”Edit” to edit the weights and credit hours of the course template.

11-Click on”Delete” to delete the Gradebook settings of the course template.