• Feature Description:

After Creating the grading categories link them to courses from the course weights section and course weights are how each course total is calculated based on the criteria you choose with a wide range of option in the simplest way possible

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, select Gradebook from the left menu, choose the semester then click on manage Course weights or click on manage list in the course weight section

  • How to

  1. every entity here represents a course
  2. Click on the "Plus" sign to proceed and create the course weight for this course
  3. Click on the "Edit" sign to edit the course weight or click on the "Delete" sign to delete it
  4. This bar shows all the data related to each course and the available actions as well
  5. Building the categories is the first step of creating this course weight and it's a mix and match process in which you choose the categories you want to calculate the total of this course based on
  6. Setting the weights is the final step of creating this course weight and it's basically setting the value for the categories you chose in the previous step for the total to be 100 which is the course total weight
  7. The list that has all the categories you created in the grade categories section
  8. Choose the categories by simply dragging them from the "all categories" section to the "Selected categories" section
  9. Click on the "Delete" button to remove any category from "Selected categories" back to "all categories"
  10. you can create a group of categories in which a specific category is the main category and it has any number of sub-categories under it, for example, the Final exam (Main category-100 percent) is divided into two parts Oral (40 percent) Written (60 percent)
  11. Click on "Next" to move to the next step on creating the course weight
  12. Click on "Back" to move back to the Courses Weights main screen
  13. The course credit hours is the value of this course in the overall calculation of the student performance in this semester
  14. The percentage that represents the weight of the grade category 
  15. in some cases, we discard or only take into account the best of the grades inside this category by using the "grading Method" feature 
  16. Type the value of how many grades you are ignoring or considering 
  17. The weight of the main category which is the sum of two sub-categories
  18. Choose "None" in the grading method to not use this feature and calculate the total of the grade category based on all the entries
  19. Choose "Best of" in the grading method to  calculate the total of this grade category based on some of the best entries only
  20. Choose "Best of Percentage" in the grading method to  calculate the total of this grade category based on a chosen percentage of the grades entries only
  21. Choose "Drop lowest" in the grading method to  calculate the total of this grade category after ignoring a chosen number of the lowest grade entries
  22. The total percentage of all the grading categories you chose and must reach 100 to be able to proceed 
  23. Click on the "Save" to save this course weight
  24. Click on "Back" to go back to choosing the categories you want for this course weight