• Feature Description:

Assignment grading is the feature that deals with the grade of the Assignment and how you can Evaluate/Delete it

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new Assessment  inside, then select the Assessment tap then Click next to the completed Assignment you want to deal with its grade to view the submissions then press on any of them to edit

  • How To:

  1. The name of the Assignment you're evaluating
  2. The name of the student you're evaluating 
  3. The time that was taken for the student to finish the Assignment out of total time of the assignment 
  4. The number of question that they answered whether right or wrong
  5. Their submission grade in this Assignment  
  6. The Bouns added to their grade if you want to add any press on the "pencil
  7. Their final grade in this Assignment 

  • Feature Tips:

  • Submission grade denotes the original grade of the assignment question
  • Bounus is an optional grade that teacher may want to add (Not exceeding the total grade of assignment)
  • Final grade is the total of submission and bounus grades.