• Feature Description:

Keep the students updated all the time whenever a new grade is published get them notified immediately In the grades section, you can Check/Create/Edit all of your student's grades in an organized and well-informed way

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account,  Select Courses from the left menu, select the course you want to create/Edit its grades then follow the steps below.

  • Explanation Videos:

  • How To:

    1. Name of Course/ Class

    2. Select Grades tab

    3. Toggle between the grid/categories view from this button

    4. Click on the 'Filter" button to filter the grades you want to view, Filter by: Grades Progress and/or state 

    5. Click on the 'Create New Entry" button to create a new entry

    6. Click on this "Arrow" to view the grading categories and their weight for this subject

    7. Here you can see the name of the grade category and its weight.

    8. This bar carries all the information you need to know about your grades, you can use them to order your grades as you want.

    9. This arrow collapse/ expand this category

    10. There are two actions you can do for each grade listed here as explained in next point

    11. Click on the "Edit" button to edit the gradable item: Title, Maximum Grade, , Or Cancel it - its status will be canceled and it won't be considered in any calculations-. 

    12. This Icon opens a brief insights of students grades for this item

    13. Click on this arrow to expand any of the main categories and check the sub-categories inside any of them

      When you click on any item of the above list of assessments:

      1. The name of the main category and its weight next to its name

      2. Your Grading progress indicator and how much progress you have left to complete the grading of this sub-category

      3. Here you can find information about this assessment grades:Maximum score, Average score and its status.

      4. This bar carries all the information you need to know about your student's grades, you can use them to order your student's grades as you want. 

      5. Search for a student, once you write any letter the list is filtered accordingly.

      6. Here you can write a comment on the student's grade for them to view it with their grade

      7. Each entity here represents a student and all the information related to their grade value, percentage out of total grade. Student grade value holds a color tag that is explained below on feature tips

  • Feature Tips:
  • Each color here represents a case
                    - The Blue color represents that you already filled this grade
                    - The Green color represents that you didn't fill this grade yet
                    - The Orange color represents that this student has an excuse and his grade in this Sub                     - The Red color represents that this student missed the assessment
  • Canceled  category will not affect his overall performance
                - The Red color represents that this student has missed attending and his grade in this Sub
  • If category is 0 and will not affect his overall performance