• Feature Description:

Grades don’t define you. Those numbers on your transcripts aren’t labels on your forehead. You are so much more. Good grades are important, but not so important that you should pull all-nighters until you collapse. Finding a healthy balance is possible. 

But they do still matter in high school, in your college search, and maybe even in your life after college. This is something many students need to hear. However, you should also remember that you don’t need to hold a 4.0 to be successful. Grades can’t show every amazing quality you have, and colleges, scholarship organizations, and employers understand that. Instead, you should think of grades more as a measurement of how much you tried. 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need  to check student submission of assessment inside,  then select the Assessment tap  , then read the insights as follows:

  • Video Explanation:

    • How To:

  1. Navigate to Insights tab
  2. Grading progress bar: is showing  you the percent of assessments that has been Graded (green), Missed (red),  Execused (Orange) or Ungraded (waiting to be graded) (gray)
    • Students Grades' insights:
  3. Average score: Showing average score for students who attended this assessment,  presented as a number out of maximum grade and a percentage. The progress arrow beside the average grade indicates if the assessment average has increased (making progress) or decreased (getting worse) compared to average for all previous assessments from the same grade category.
  4. Lowest score: Showing the lowest score of all students who attended this assessment, presented as a number out of maximum grade and a percentage. The progress arrow beside the lowest grade indicates if the assessment's lowest score has increased (making progress) or decreased (getting worse) compared to average lowest for all previous assessments from the same grade category.
  5. Highest grade: Showing the highest score of all students who attended this assessment, presented as a number out of maximum grade and a percentage. The progress arrow beside the highest grade indicates if the assessment highest grade has increased (making progress) or decreased (getting worse) compared to average highest for all previous assessments from the same grade category.
  6. Best in class: A list of Top students with highest grade compared to all students attended this assessment, if more than 3 students are achieving the same grades, you can use the paging arrows to navigate the rest of the list.
  7. Below Average: A list of students with grades below average grade (calculated in point 3) compared to all students attended this assessment, if more than 3 students are scoring the same grades, you can use the paging arrows to navigate the rest of the list.
  8. Most Progress: A list of students making the most progress/development in this assessment compared to their average in their previous assessments for the same grade category , if more than 3 students are achieving the same progress, you can use the paging arrows to navigate the rest of the list. The progress arrow beside the student grade of current assessment; shows the percent of progress/ regress of this student.
    • Assessment questions' insights: 
  9. Question Breakdown: A chart representing each question answers from correctness aspect percentage
  10. Green represents the percent of correct answers for all students  attended this assessment,  Orange represents the percent of partially correct answers for all students  attended this assessment -mixed question-, Red represents the percent of wrong answers for all students  attended this assessment,
  11. Question Details: For each question you can see the details of students answers (anonymously) , Only available for quizzes' autocorrected questions.
  12. List of assessment questions, select any question you would like to see its insights 
  13. Answers selected by students, Correct answer will have a green frame, while wrong answer will have red frame.
  14. Navigate to next question
  15. Chart of number/ percentage of students that answers this answer, color of the donat chart part  is the same as the answer it represents, If you hover over other parts of the chart, other students' number/ percentages will be shown as a tooltip

  • Feature Tips:
  • Some cases you won't be able to view insights or some indicators are presented as N/A,
    • If assessment is in progress OR If all students miss the assessment, Insights won't be displayed.
    • If this is the first assessment of a grade category, progress arrows won't be displayed. 
  • Those insights give you detailed statistics about two important things:            

1- Your students progress: These insights help you to keep track of your students grades and convert them from just an isolated number to a point on your student progress/ regress line.
2- The assessment level: You can now estimate the level of cognition of important concepts included on the assessment, if you have a question that all students answers wrong, that gives you a red flag to the knowledge behind the question, on the other hand the all right answered question assure you of good grasp of knowledge, and let you move on and add more blocks of knowledge.