• Feature Description:

The School Admin can control the editability of student grades based on user roles and academic stages within the institution. 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Gradebook,Choose the semester you need to hide grades in from the standard grading.

  • Explanation video:

How To:

Per  stage:

Click on edit button related to the stage under the word Hide for the following window will appear:

  1. Choose the role /roles you need to hide the grades for 
  2. Choose a specifics user /users you need to hide the grades for.
  3. Click "Cancel" button to cancel the changes 
  4. Click "Apply" button to save the changes.

To apply same settings for several stages:

Click on customize Hide/Lock on the right upper corner the the follwing window will appear:

  1. Ensure that you have selected the "Hide" button to configure the settings for hiding.
  2. Choose the stages for which you need to apply hiding grades.
  3. Identify the roles that require the application of hiding grades.
  4. If necessary, specify individual users who you need to hide the grades from.
  5. Click the "Cancel" button if you wish to cancel the changes.
  6. Click "Apply" to save the configured settings.