• Feature Description:

Empowers administrators to regulate the visibility and editability of student grades based on user roles and academic stages within the institution.

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Gradebook,Choose the semester need to hide grades in from the standard grading. 

  • Explanation video:

    • How To:

Customizing Hide and Lock Settings for multiple stages.

Administrators can access the "Hide & Lock Grades Settings" section to customize the hide and lock configurations. They have the ability to:

  1. As an administrator, navigate to the "Hide & Lock Grades Settings" section.

  2. Click on the "Customize Hide and Lock" button.

  3. Choose the Action type(Hide/Lock).

  4. Select stages you would like to apply the settings for.

  5. For the selected stages, you can select the roles that should have their grades hidden or locked from editing (For staff Users).

  6. Select users specifically if needed .Once you have made the desired selections, click "Apply" to apply the settings across all stages.

Applying Settings per Stage

In cases where administrators need to implement different hide and lock settings for a particular academic stage, they can navigate to the "Hide & Lock Grades Settings" section. This view will display all academic stages separately, allowing administrators to make the necessary adjustments for each stage and apply the stage-specific settings by selecting the "Apply" button.

  1. Administrators should navigate to the "Hide & Lock Grades Settings" section.

  2. In this view, all academic stages will be displayed in a table.

  3. Administrators should choose the desired action - either "Hide" or "Lock" - from the table for the relevant stage(s).

  4. After selecting the appropriate action button for the stage(s), administrators can configure the settings.

  5. For the selected stage(s), administrators can choose the specific staff user roles that should have their grades hidden or locked from editing.

  6. Administrators also have the option to select individual users, if needed, for the hide/lock settings.

  7. Once the desired selections have been made, administrators should click the "Apply" button to implement the customized hide and lock configurations for the selected stage(s).

Limitations and Edge Cases

If an administrator needs to hide grades from both a student and their parent, they must select those respective roles when configuring the hide settings for the relevant academic stage.

Similarly, when an administrator chooses to apply hide settings to a specific student, they should also select the student's parent to ensure the grade information is concealed from both parties.

Exceptions for Elective Subject Teachers/HODs/Principals.
Teachers , Heads of Department (HODs) and principals assigned to elective subjects are always permitted to view and edit grades of the elective courses, as they are not directly linked to a particular academic stage.

To hide or lock grades for teachers and HODs of elective subjects, administrators have to :

  1. Assign the teacher or HOD to core courses associated with the stage.

  2. Hide/Lock All Stages the teacher or HOD or principal Assigned to .

This approach ensures the appropriate level of visibility and editability for staff members responsible for elective coursework, while still providing administrators the ability to control grade access as needed.