• Feature Description:

You can selectively open a quiz to specific students from a class or classes, while keeping it closed to other students.
  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new quiz /Assignment inside, From assessment advanced options follow the steps.. 

  • Explanation video:

  • How To:

  1. A search area where you can enter a student's name.
  2. The selected class name.
  3. (Selected student ) using the Checkboxes or toggles next to each student name, allowing you to select or deselect them.
  4. (Unselected student ) using the Checkboxes or toggles next to each student name, allowing you to select or deselect them.
  5. A "Cancel" button to clear all the selected students cancel the chosen settings.
  6. A "Save" button to commit the selected students.

  • Feature Tips:

  • By default All students in all classes are selected ,using the Checkboxes or toggles next to each student name, allows you to select or deselect them.