• Feature Description:

Get a digest of all staff performance and activity on Coligo and compare between courses in one page .

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Performance from the left menu 

  • Explanation video:

    • How To:

  1. Set the date range to display the staff activity, Choose between Today, last 3 days, last week ,last month or even choose a custom start and end date for the duration.
  2. Filter results by Searching for a certain object by writing its name in the search bar
  3. Filter results by selecting certain object/s from the dropdown list.
  4. Filter results by selecting certain User/s  names to display their activities only.
  5. Filter results by selecting certain Classes to display.
  6. Filter results by selecting certain Courses to display.
  7. The chosen classe/s names 
  8. The chosen course/s names.
  9. Icons showing each type of object ,each object has a unique symbol,on hovering the icon the name of the object appears.
  10. The name of the teacher who created the object
  11. Date of creating the object
  12. The sign shows the object is original material
  13. The sign shows the object is shared from another class.
  14. The duration selected to display the information
  15. The summary of alll objects added in each class by summation of all courses displayed in this class.

To know the details of any object just click on the object and the details will appear on the right side of the screen

  1. The title of the object.
  2. The name of the teacher who created the object.
  3. The date of creation .
  4. the state of the object.
  5. The details of the object .
  6. Icon to open the object from its original course.

The objects in one course may be more than 4 object you ca use navigation arrows to check the next pages

  1. Number of pages for this course
  2. The navigation arrow to go to the next page
  3. The navigation arrow to go to the previous page
  4. Total number of objects in the course

To navigate between classes if there are mor than two classes displayed,se the orange arrows displayed beside the class name