• Feature Description:

Ordering question is a type of question that can be used in quizzes, This type can be used to test if the student understands the sequence of the story or even arranging numbers. They are easy to mark, as it marked and scored electronically.

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new quiz inside, then select the Assessment tap, then after you finish setting up the quiz settings follow these creation steps. 

  • Explanation Video:

  • How To:

  1.  The name of the question type you are currently working on.
  2. Write The question grade
  3. Rich Text Editor 
  4.  Tick strict mode to correct the answers in a strict mode .( If any of the choices are not in the right place the whole question will be marked as zero)
  5.  Fill Those fields with the Options you want the student to arrange in the correct order,You can also add formula or Picture in the choices
  • The lines show that you can rearrange the options after adding information in the field, Just click and move up or down while holding.

       6. Click on the "Delete" button to remove the Option.

       7. Click on the "+ Add New Items" button to add an extra options field.

       8. In case you want to Duplicate the question click on "Duplicate Question" to make another copy of it beneath it.

       9. In case you want to Delete the question click on "Delete Question" to Delete it.

       10. Click on the "Back" button to go back to the previous page.

       11. Click on the "Save Draft" button to save your progress.

       12. Click on the "Save" button to save and go back to the previous page

  • Feature Tips:

    • A minimum of 4 options must be added, but no maximum.