• Feature Description:

Having a life skills grade in addition to an academic grade for each subject sets the classroom culture, motivates students to be present in both mind and body, and supports building the habits necessary for college and career readiness. In skills grading students are measured by mastery levels for each skill.

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account,  Select Courses from the left menu, select the course you want to create/Edit its grades then follow the steps below.

  • Explanation Video:

  • How to:

  1. Click on "Skills Grades" tab to switch to the skills grading view.

  2. Click on the "Columns Button" to choose which columns you would like to display.

  3. Click on the "Density Button" to choose the suitable appearance for your sight.

  4. The names of the students enrolled in the course, you can hover the name to appear horizontally.

  5. The Skill category is the title of the group of skills.

  6. the names of the skills, and the list of skills the student is evaluated on. 

  7. "Eye sign" shows this skill is published and visible by students and parents.

  8. "Eye sign with a dash on" shows this skill is unpublished and invisible by students and parents.
    • The Eye sign is a button you can click to publish and un-publish the grades.

  9. "The yellow dot "indicates the grades are entered partially, the grades are not added to all students for this skill.

  10. "The green dot "indicates the grades are totally entered, the grades added to all students for this skill.

  11. "The red dot "indicates that no grades are entered, the grades are not added to any of the students for this skill.

  12. Click the "comment icon" to add comments on the selected grade, the comment is read by students and parents.

  13. Click The clock sign to see the history of editing the grade entered for this skill,it is seen by staff only, the parent can see the last update only.

  14. Click on the "white square" to add a new grade, If a grade is already added just click on it and edit.

  15. Click on "The arrow button "to display the mastery levels.

  • Feature Tips: 

Mastery levels settings are edited from the admin, on clicking the mastery levels button the following window appears:

On clicking "Columns" button the following menu appears:

Click the hide and show buttons to choose the columns you need to display

  1. The Skills column is displayed
  2. The student named "Radwa "column is hidden
  3. Write the name of the student to filter the results of the column names.
  4. Click "Hide all" to hide all columns.
  5. Click "Show all" to show all columns.