• Feature Description:

These are the Actions  you can do for each Classwork 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to make an action on one of its classwork inside, 

  • Explanation video:

  • How To:

  1. The "Published" state means that the start date of this classwork has already started and your students can see it.
  2. The "Submitted" state means that the Classwork is ready to be published once the start time is reached.
  3. The "Draft" state means that this classwork is still a draft only you (author) can see it, you need to "Submit" it to be visible to your students.
  4. The "Canceled" state means that after publishing you decided to Unsubmit this classwork
  5. Click on the "Action" sign to make different actions on each classwork based on its status as explained below in the feature tips.

Feature Tips:
  • Published Status:

-Preview: Shows the same display as the student can see

- Cancel: changes the states of classwork from published to canceled 

- Copy To: Let you make a copy from the same classwork to another course -assigned to you- its state draft.

- Duplicate: You can duplicate the same classwork on the same course.

  • Submitted Status:

- Preview: Shows the same display as the student can see

- Cancel: changes the states of classwork from published to canceled 

- Edit: To return to the creation page to edit the details and settings of the classwork

- Copy To: Let you make a copy from the same classwork to another course -assigned to you- its state draft.

- Duplicate: You can duplicate the same classwork on the same course.

  • Draft status: 
- Submit: Submit the classwork to automatically start on its due date and be visible to students (Date/Time and students as in settings)

- Delete: Delete the classwork from your list

-Edit: To return to the creation page to edit the details and settings of the classwork

- Copy To: Let you make a copy from the same classwork to another course -assigned to you- its state draft.

Duplicate: You can duplicate the same classwork on the same course. 

  • Canceled status: 
-Preview: Shows the same display as the student can see.

- Delete: Delete the classwork from your list

- Restore to draft: changes the states of classwork from canceled back to draft

- Copy To: Let you make a copy from the same classwork to another course -assigned to you- its state draft.

- Duplicate: You can duplicate the same classwork on the same course.

  • Copy-To Dialog: 
    Only works if you teach the same course to another class of the same grade