Q1:When should be the evaluation of the competition?

The evaluation of the competition will be by the start of the new academic year.

Q2: How are the points calculated?

The points will be gained as the following:

  • For every Question, its state Published with the required criteria = 1 Point

Q3: What is the bonus Task?

1. Each teacher will prepare an Ideal Lesson on Coligo and Record a (maximum) 10 mins video explaining it. 

2. The Video should be uploaded to the School's Facebook page/channel.

3. Video with the largest number of likes till the end of the Competition date, get the 100 points.

Q4: What are the benefits of the competition for teachers?

  1. Awards for winners
  2. Recognition from your school
  3. Build mega Question bank
  4. Saving time in creating and correcting quizzes throughout the academic year.
  5. Saving time and money by automating your Booklet's practices. 

Q5: What are the awards?

  • Money for the top 3 teachers and their HODS.
  • Medals for the TOP 5 winners and their HODs.
  • Certificated for the Top 10 winners.
  • Participation certificate for everyone.

Q6:How to be a winner?

  • Create More Questions in the Questions Bank. 
  • The More your Questions are Published, the more points you Get, and the Higher chance you WIN! 
  • Published Questions should follow your school's criteria and curriculums.
  • Each HOD is responsible to set the criteria and organize the question publishing to avoid duplication of questions. 

Q7: What are the criteria for accepted questions?


Your questions should be rich in content.

2-TAGS :

Only Questions with Tags will be accepted, so that searching and selecting questions is efficient Stick to the Criteria and rules set by your school 


Coordinate with your HOD and Colleagues about questions' content so that no duplications happen and all subject content is covered