• Feature Description:

The Homework column in the channel book shows the collection of Homework in all subjects together in one place. You can click on any homework to see its details, it also shows the state of the homework if it is submitted or missed.

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account,  Channel Book from the left menu. Click on the arrow of any day to expand and show its details

  • How To:

  1. The day and the date expanded to display its details.
  2. The course name.
  3. The title of the homework, click to view its details
  4. The due date, the date the homework should be given to the teacher before.
  5. the "X sign" shows the student has missed the homework
  6. the "  sign" shows the student has submitted the homework.
  • Feature Tips:

On clicking the title of the homework a pop-up window will be opened showing the details of the homework: