• Feature Description:

A Classwork is a type of announcement teachers use to wrap up what has been covered and tasks students have applied in class.

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new Classwork inside, then follow the creation steps below.

  • Explanation video:

  • How To:

  1. Classwork tab, the course by default opens on the Classwork tab.

  2. + sign button, to create new Classwork.

  3. Filter button, minimize the results in the Classwork list based on the choices of the filter.

  4. The body of the Classwork, Shows the content written in the body of the Classwork.

  5. Publish Date, shows the date on which the classwork will appear to students.

  6. Status shows the state of the CW (Draft, Submitted, Published, Canceled).

  7. Seen by shows number of users who has seen the Classwork.

  8. The action menu of the Classwork.

On clicking Create button the following pop-up window appears:

  1.  Rich text editor ,to write the body of the Classwork. 
  2. From Date and time, to set the date and time of the Classwork will appear to students. 
  3. Courses ,to select multiple courses at once to share the Classwork with. 
  4. Cancel Button ,To cancel the action and return to the previous page without saving changes.
  5. Create Button ,To create the Classwork as a draft in the list.  


On selecting preview mode it appears as the following :

On selecting the filter button the filter appears on the top of the Classwork  list :