• Feature Description:

A Homework is a type of assessment the students can submit offline, The Homework can be either graded or ungraded.

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new Homework inside, then follow the creation steps below.

  • Explanation videos:

  • How To:

  1. Select Assessments tab
  2. Click on the "Add New Assessment" button.
  3. Select Create new Homework from the option list.

4. The Title of the Homework includes the number of the HW in this course.

5. Rich text editor, to write the body of the Homework.

6. Attachment button, to add extra attachments to the Homework.

7. Courses, to select multiple courses at once to share the Homework with.

8. Grade Info to set if the Homework is graded or ungraded.

9. From Date and Time, set the date and time the Homework will appear to students.

10. To Date and Time, To set the due date of the Homework.

11. Cancel Button, To cancel the action and return to the previous page without saving changes.

12. Preview Mode Button, To show how the students will view the Homework

13. Create Button, To create the HW as a draft in the assessments list.  

Feature Tips:

In case of graded Homework:

1. Choose the Grade category the grade will be added to 

2. Set the maximum grade of the Homework.