• Feature Description:

The primary goal of Fill in the Blank questions is to encourage learners to apply the knowledge they have already acquired. Fill in the Blank questions are not opinion-based, which means that learners must be able to use the information they have mastered during the lesson to correctly answer the question. high reliability, easier to write, and limits guessing.

  • Feature Path:

From your Account click on  Questions from the left menu, New Question type Fill in the Blanks

  • Explanation Video:

  • How To:

  1. Write The tag/tags that suit the question topics

  2. Select the course template(subject  for the whole stage) the question should be added to

  3. The name of the question type you are currently working on

  4. Select the difficulty of the question

  5. Rich Text Editor 

  6. This button allows adding attachments to the Question head.

  7. Click on the "Add Blank" button when you want a blank in the body of the question for the student to fill

  8. The blank  Added in the Question area 

  9. Type next to the number of the blank the correct answer of the blank space left on the question body.
  10. If the model answer is case sensitive like a name of a country etc... Tick next to "Case sensitive"
  11. Click on the "Cancel" button to go back to the previous page without saving changes

  12. Click on the "Preview" button to show how will it be seen by the students after adding to a quiz.

  13. Click on the "Save" button to save and go back to the previous page

Feature Tips:

  • You can add as many blanks as you would like to, it is highly recommended to have one or two words only in each blank space.

  • Case sensitive option is by default unchecked, make sure you check it if you want to, once checked it will be applied to "ALL" answers versus model answers.  

  • The model answer will be used while automated correction and will be displayed to students in quiz review- after completion-. You can adjust corrections while submission review.