Feature Description: 

Essay questions Test takers can elaborate and provide detailed answers when takers are not able to guess and select an answer, Can review individualized responses from each user and Can be used for all types of subjects.

  • Feature Path:

From your Account Select Questions from the left menu,New Question type Essay. 

  • Explanation video:

  • How To:

  1. Write The tag/tags that suit the question topics

  2. Select the course template(subject  for the whole stage) the question should be added to

  3. The name of the question type you are currently working on

  4. Select the difficulty of the question

  5. Rich editor 

  6. This button allows adding attachments to the Question head.

  7. The Answering area is also a Rich text editor for students to answer freely.

  8. Click here if you want to attach a picture/file  to the model answer

  9. Here are some limitations for the student when they are answering the assignment, find details in feature tips below.

  10. Click on the "Cancel" button to go back to the previous page without saving changes

  11. Click on the "Preview" button to show how will it be seen by the students after adding to a quiz.

  12. Click on the "Save" button to save and go back to the previous page 

  • Feature Tips:

Options: next to each option is a box where you will write the limit you please for the student

  • No limit: there is no limitation to student answer
  • Word Limit is to limit the student with a limited number of words when they are answering this question

  • Character Limit is to limit the student with a limited number of Characters when they are answering this question, be aware that space is considered a character

  • Tick Attachments Limit to limit the student with a limited number of Attachments when they are answering this question