· Feature Description:
Rich Text Format (RTF) is a popular default format for writing that allows for the addition of content formatting, such as font sizes and colors, bolding, italics. Also the ability to add images and videos, plus features like spell checking, advanced paste functionality, embedding videos.
· Feature Path:
In Coligo you will find the rich text format in the following features:
o Adding a material of type: Note
o Sending Messages
o Sending Announcements
o Types of questions:
- MCQ( multiple choice question)
- FIB( fill in The blank question).
- True or false question.
Explanation videos:
How To:
1. Font Format:
Bold : Apply Bold formatting to highlighted text.
Italic : Apply Italic formatting to highlighted text.
Under line: Apply Underline formatting to highlighted text.
Strike: Apply Strikethrough formatting to highlighted text (i.e., cross the text out with a line in the middle
2. Quotation:
Set quotations block.
3. Super/Subscript:
Subscript the highlighted text. (as in chemistry elements annotation)
Superscript the highlighted text. (as in Math. power annotation)
4. Font name and size:
The default Paragraph Format for text is Normal. Select a Heading from this menu to make selected text into a heading.
Apply a selected font to a block of text.
Apply a selected size to a block of text
5. Lists: A paragraph break (a space created by hitting the Enter or Return key on the computer keyboard)creates a new list item
UnOrdered: ِCreate a bulleted list, If text is highlighted when you click this button, it will be put in a bulleted list.
Ordered: Create a numbered list, If text is highlighted when you click this button, it will be put in a numbered list.
6. Paragraph Alignment:
Align Left: Set text alignment left.
Align Center: Set text alignment center.
Align Right: Set text alignment right.
7. Text Color:
(also color chooser or color tool) is a graphical user interface widget, used to select colors to be used in creating color schemes
8. Highlighter Color:
Highlights the selected text with the chosen color.
9. Text Direction:
Choose the direction of text left to right /right to left.
10. Links:
Link: If you have highlighted text, you can create a link from that text to an item or activity in another tool
1-Highlight target text first then click the link button, the highlighted text will be used as a link title the following will appear :
2-Write link Target or the address of the link (URL), you can paste it in the box directly
3-Click Save.
11. Image:
Insert an image within your text ,after inserting the image you can resize.
12. Embed Video:
placing an external link that will display something within the editor itself, so an example would be when you embed a youtube video the video will play from inside the editor without opening the youtube app or website.
1-Click on the video Icon the following will appear:
2-Write link Target or the address of the video(URL), you can paste it in the box directly
3-Click Save.
13. Remove formatting:
Remove the formatting from the highlighted text
14. Formula:
Insert mathematical Formula symbols, Mathematical symbols are categorized into tabs you can choose any symbol to write the mathematical formula and then Save it to add to the text area.
15. Editor: Write the text and apply All/Some of the formatting explained earlier to grab attention to important items.