Feature Description:

Each skill is evaluated by a mastery level,shown in the gradebook as a number,a color or a word.

Feature Path:

  • Log in to the admin account, select the existing year from the side menu, Gradebook, Select the semester from the skills grading.

Explanation video:


How To:

  1.  Click on “Edit” to change the description or color of each level ,a window will Appear as follows:

  1. The “Numeric value” of each mastery level,the values are from 0 to 4 not editable.

  2. The Description “  is the word corresponding to each mastery level, Click on” each word ” to edit.

  3. The color code “  is the color corresponding to each mastery level, Click on ”each color ” to change the color or its shade.

  4. Click on “Save” button to save changes.

  5. Click on “X” button to close the window.

Feature Tip:

  • The levels are restricted to 5 levels from 0 to 4.

  • The numeric value of each level is not editable.