Feature Description:

Each group of skills has to be categorized into skill categories.

Feature Path:

  • Log in to the admin account, select the existing year from the side menu, Gradebook, Select the semester from the skills grading.

Explanation video:


How To:

  1.  Click on “+Add New Category” To add a new category not existing, a window will appear as follows:

  1. Click on “The three dots” to display the actions menu (3,4).

  2. Click on”Edit ” to edit an existing Skill category a window will appear as follows:

  1. Click “Delete” to delete the skill category if it is not used in any semester and it does not include any skills.

  2. The” code” of the skill category is usually the abbreviation of the category name

  3. In the “Skill Description,” you can add the category name as the description.

  4. The “Course template” dropdown list includes all course templates in this semester, you can choose the course templates u need to include this skill category to.

  5. The “Skills” dropdown list includes all skills in this semester shown as code, you can choose the skills u need to add to this skill category.

  6. Click on "Save" button to save changes.

  7. Click on "Cancel"  button to keep without changing.