Feature Description:

Very simply, skills grading is an evaluation of the student’s ability to perform a specific skill or set of skills. Ideally, the skill grading captures the level of proficiency for each skill, so you know when each student is new to the skill and when has mastered it. 

Feature Path:

  • Log in to the admin account, select the existing year from the side menu, Gradebook.

Explanation video:

How To:

1-Click on the Gradebook tab. 

From the Skills Grading:

2-Click on the Semester needed to start editing.

3-Click on Copy Settings if you need to copy the skill category settings to the new semester.

4-"Skill Categories" where you can create and edit skills categories.

5-"Courses Skills List" where you can manage the skills list and the skills related to courses.

6-"Mastery Levels" where you can manage the color and the names of each mastery level.

7-"Activate Skill Grading As Default View " to select which stages will activate the default view is the skill grading instead of the standard grading.

Feature Tips:

The active Semester is the semester at the top of the list of semesters.