• Feature Description:

Be updated with every change related to the courses you have access to. As a Teacher,HOD or principal, you will receive all updates in materialassessmentsgrades and announcements on the notification button with the number of unread notifications and you can open it to preview its details.


  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, click on the bell sign on the upper right of the screen. 

  • Explanation Video:

  • How to 


  1. Click on the "notifications" button to view your recent notifications, the number of unread notifications is in a red circle.

  2. The unread notifications are shaded background. Click to open it and see its details.

  3. The read notifications are white-colored. Click to open it and see its details.

  4. To mark all notifications as read and change its background to white color click on “Mark all as read”.


  • Feature Tips:

New Announcements notifications will appear on the top right notification area of your screen. As a Principal or an HOD,  you can see the details of the notification by clicking on it.