Feature Description:

 Principals and HODs can monitor the teachers’ messages.They can now review who teachers are messaging as well as their messages histories. By clicking on the View As button from the messages.


Feature Path:

From your Account Select Messages from the left menu, or the envelope sign on the upper bar then follow the steps below.

Explanation Video:

How To:

1- Click on "View As" button to view the list of teachers’ names.

2-The Search box to search for the teacher’s account required by name.

3-The list of teachers your account can have access on their courses.

4-Filter to facilitate reaching the required account faster.
5-The header describing the content of each column
6-Click on"Close button" to close the window and return back to your own messages


Click on any teacher name to view his/her messages your messages window will be his/her messages like the following picture:

7-Click on the "X" sign to return back to your own messages

8-The name of the messages owner.

9-Inbox of the teacher messages

10-Messages sent by teacher.

11-The messages the teacher has moved to trash.

12-Click on "View as "Button to see other teachers messages.

13-The details of the message clicked.

  • Feature Tips:

  • Principals can view the HOD’s messages and HODs can view the teachers’ messages.
  • The Principals and HOD view messages as read only they cannot reply or make any action on the teachers mesages.
  • If a message is marked as unread by the teacher and the Principal or HOD has opened ,its is still has the sign unread as it is for the teacher.