Feature Description:

Teachers have to be assigned to courses and sometimes other updates occur during the semester related to the teachers assigned to courses,If the courses are copied from the previous semester the teachers will be assigned by default to the same courses of previous semesters.

Feature Path:

  • Log in to the admin account, from the side menu select the existing year, then the courses tab.

Explaination video:

How To:

1-Click on “Add Teachers” sign 

of the chosen course.

The following window will appear:

2-Click on”+ Add teacher” to open the list of teachers teaching the subject of the chosen course. 

3-Choose the new teacher’s name from the list.

4-Click on “Add teacher” button the teacher will be added.

5-Click “Cancel” button to cancel the request and return to the previous page.

6-To search in the list of added teachers, write the teacher name.

7-Click on”X” to remove the assigned teacher.

8-Click on “Close” button to return to the previous page.

As you click on the “X“ sign a confirmation message will appear as follows: 

9-Click on “Yes Delete” to remove the assigned teacher.

10-Click “Cancel” To cancel the request and return to the previous page.