Feature Description:

If a course is already been created and needs to be renamed, add a description, or even change its picture it can be done by editing the course.

Feature Path:

  • Log in to the admin account, from the side menu select the existing year, then the courses tab , courses action menu.

Explaination video:

How to : 

Actions menu of each course:

1-Click on “Edit”.

The following window will appear containing the information that can be edited:

  1. Course name, where you can rename the course. 

  2. Course Description, where you can add the course description (Required).

  3. Color Code, where you can change its Color Code.

  4. Course Picture, where you can choose any picture as a course symbol, or upload from your device any other picture.

  5. Click on “Cancel” button  to cancel the request and return to the previous page.

  6. Click on ”Save'' button to save changes.