Feature Description:

While the semester status is draft, before activating the semester you can edit any course name or its description or even delete, if it is an extra course in this semester.  

Feature Path:

  • Log in to the admin account, from the side menu select the existing year, then the courses tab.

Explanation video:

Full article click here

How To:

1-Select the existing year.

2-Click on Courses.

3-Use the filter to show the courses of the needed semester.

4-The actions can be applied to courses.

Actions menu of each course:

5-Click on “Edit” If there is any edit needed to be done on any course :

  • Rename the course. 

  • Add description (Required).

  • Change the picture.

6-Click on “Delete” If the course is extra, it needs to be deleted.

On clicking “ Delete” a confirmation message will appear as follows :

7-Click on “Cancel” To cancel the request and return to the previous page.

8-Click on “Yes Delete!”To confirm delete the course.

Feature Tips:

Deleting courses can be applied in the Draft Semester only.