• Feature Description:

A quiz is a quick and informal assessment of your knowledge to briefly test your level of comprehension regarding course material, providing teachers with insights into your progress and any existing knowledge gaps.

Assignment however is the confirmation of your understanding of lessons' learning outcomes. 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account,  Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you want to view its assessments then select the Assessment tap 

  • Explanation Video:

    • How To:

  1. This is the name of the assessment you are viewing along with your name.
  2. This is your timer log, how long it took you to solve the assessment out of its duration
  3. This is your questions log, how many questions did you solve out of how many questions were on assessment.
  4. This is your total grade of this assessment
  5. As you see the justification part of the question has its own grade, so the T/F and MCQ questions with justification now have two sub grades, one automatically graded by the system and another one graded by teacher, both can be edited by teacher. And question grade is the summation of both parts.
  6. If grade is edited by teacher a yellow flag will appear beside the edited part, hovering over this flag will let you know what change has happened to the grade.
  • Feature Tips:

  • Green box is drown around the wright answer in T/F and MCQ, green labels in FIB questions.
  • You can see model answer for justification part of a question written under the justification box