• Feature Description:

Import Students from your PC with a few Clicks 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, select Users from the left menu then click on Students then follow the Importing steps

  • How to

  1. Click on the mass actions button then click on "Import student" from the menu
  2. Choose from this list the stage you are importing these students to
  3. Click on "Close" to cancel the process
  4. Click on "Download Students Template" to download an excel file and fill it with your Students data for an easier importing process

  5. Tic this to allow the system to automatically generate passwords for each created account 

  6. Click on "Upload Students" and choose from your PC the excel file that has the students data you want to upload

  7. Click on "Import" after choosing the excel file for a successful importing process 

  • Feature Tips:

After successfully importing your students a PDF file is created that has the usernames and passwords of all the created accounts and a download window opens