• Feature Description:

Each question state has a set of actions you can do here we are going to explain all of them

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Question Bank from the left menu then select the question you want to take an action on

  • How To:

  • For each state of the question, there are some actions as follows:

  • Click on "Submit" to change the state of the question from draft to In Review for the HOD or the Principle to view it and take an action.

  • Click on "Delete" to change the question state from draft/in review to canceled 

  • Click on "Publish" to share the question,  change the state of the question from in review to Published

  • Click on "Edit" to edit the question in any state except for canceled questions.

  • Click on "Cancel" to cancel the question and change the state of the question from published to Cancelled

  • Canceled questions could be re-published or edited 

  • Feature Tips:

  • Canceled questions can be retrieved by you only.