• Feature Description:

The question bank is a collection of questions  It allows you to create, preview, and edit stored questions. the Question bank can store questions within categories difficulty level and different subjects this process make it easier for the teacher to assess their students with a few clicks

  • Feature Path:

From your Account Select Question Bank from the left menu.

  • How To:

  1. Filter the questions you are looking for from this window whether by subject, tags, questions types or even search with a keyword. You will easily find what you are looking for
  2. Create a new question for later use by clicking on "Add New Question" and choose the type of question you want to create from here
  3. This bar carries all the information you need to know about your questions, you can use them to order your questions as you want by:
    • Question title
    • Course
    • Subject
    • Tags
    • Stage
    • Question  type (TF, MCQ, FIB or Easy) icon is different for each type
    • Question  State (Draft, In review, Published or Canceled)
    • Question  Difficulty (Easy, Medium Or Hard)  
  4. Each entity here represents a question and all the information related to it
  5. This is the navigation bar, you can:
    •  Click on the "previous" button to go to the previous questions page
    • Type the number of the page you want to go to here
    • Click on the "Next" button to go to the next questions page
  6. Choose the number of questions you want to view on each page from here

  • Feature Tips: