• Feature Description:

Manage your school's Classes easily with a very simple way for importing and exporting

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Classes from the left menu.

  • How to

  1. Click on "Add Classes" to add a new class to your school
  2. Click on "Import Classes" to Import a list of classes to your school via an excel file
  3. Click on "Export Classes" to Export a list of classes from your school to an excel file
  4. Click on the "Actions" button to show the actions you can make in each class as explained in points: 8,9 and 10
  5. Each entity represents a class and all its data
  6. This bar has all the info you need to know about your class that can be used to order classes by.
  7. Click on the "Add student" button to add students from your student's list to this class
  8. Click on "Edit" from the action menu to edit the name of the class
  9. Click on the "Print Certificates" button to print certificates for this class students
  10. Click on "Delete" to delete a class

  • Feature Tips:

    • When printing a certificate for the class choose the semester and its start and end date for an accurate and precise certificate because this info will be mentioned in the certificate and it will affect the data in the certificate