• Feature Description:

Each question state has a set of actions you can do here we are going to explain all of them

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Question Bank from the left menu then select the question you want to take an action on

  • How To:

  • For each state of the question, there are some actions as follows:

  • Click on "Submit" to change the state of the question from draft to In Review for the HOD or the Principle to view it and take an action.

  • Click on "Delete" to change the question state from draft/in review to canceled 

  • Click on "Publish" to share the question,  change the state of the question from in review to Published

  • Click on "Edit" to edit the question in any state except for canceled questions.

  • Click on "Cancel" to cancel the question and change the state of the question from published to Cancelled

  • Canceled questions has no Actions.

  • Actions Privileges:

  • Teachers teaching the same course (even if for different classes) can not see each other questions when the questions status is Draft.

  • Teachers teaching the same course (even if for different classes) can see each other questions when the question statuses are In Review or Published.

  • Teachers teaching the same course (even if for different classes) can not  take any actions (Edit or Delete or Publish) on another teacher's question as they are not the author for that question.

  • Only the Author can Submit his/her Draft question to be In Review.

  • Question Author (Teacher), HODs and Principals, School Admin can Publish the question if it's status is In Review.

  • HODs, Principals and School Admin can see their teachers questions in all statuses.

  • HODs, Principals and School Admin can take actions (Edit or Delete or Publish or Cancel) on their teachers questions only when the questions' statuses are In Review or Published.

  • Only the School Admin can retrieve/republish Cancelled Questions.

  • School Admin can retrieve/republish Cancelled Questions.

  • Feature Tips:

  • In Review or Draft questions when Deleted, are deleted forever and can't be retrieved by anyone in the system.

  • Authors can take all actions on their questions whatever the status was.