• Feature Description:

To Access a due quiz or assignment it's OR preview a completed one to see how did you do and what is the model answer, it's quite simple just follow the steps below 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you want to view its assessments, then select the Assessment tap, or simply from the dashboard click on the due assessments 

  • Explanation Video:

    • How To:

  1. These are the quiz/assignment instructions you will be able to see all that you need to know before starting a quiz/assignment 
    • The name of the course
    • How many trials you have
    • Start/End date and time
    • Duration in minutes
    • Special instructions by your teacher
    • Grading policy
    • Total points
  2. Press on "Decide Later" after reading the instructions in case you weren't ready to start your assessment yet or you just wanted to read the instructions and not start the quiz/assignment.  
  3. Press on "Start Quiz" to start it
  4. Here you can see the time left for you to finish your quiz/assignment before it automatically closes
  5. Here you can see this question grade
  6. There is only one Essay question in an assignment and/or it could have a sheet as an attachment, But there are 5 types of questions in a quiz:
    • True/False: Choose the right answer
    • True/False with Justification:   Choose the right answer and write your justification
    • Multiple choice:  Choose the correct answer from available options (one or more as instructed)
    • Multiple choice with Justification: Choose the correct answer from available options and write your justification 
    • Fill in the Blank: You will be given a text with Blank spaces, then a place to fill in by your answer
  7. Fill the Justification (text) you see suitable in this box - if required-
  8. Click on "Cancel" if you want to stop the quiz/assignment for the time being but notice that the time will keep counting even if you leave the quiz/assignment
  9. Click on "Submit" if you finished solving and reviewing the quiz/assignment and you want to proceed 
  10. Here you can see a motivational message to keep it Up, as well as a brief about the quiz/assignment that you just solved, that will be included in the submission confirmation report mentioned in point 12.
  11. Click on "Close" to go back to the Assessment tap 
  12. Once you submitted your assessment, a confirmation report will be generated, Choose where you want to save your submission confirmation on your pc
  13. Click on "Save" to save the confirmation in the destination you choose.
  14. Click on "Cancel" if you don't want to save it on your pc 

  • Feature Tips:

  • Start the quiz / Timed assignment only when you are ready to solve completely to the end.

  • If you have time, review your answers before submitting the assessment by going back and forward between questions

  • Notice that if you canceled a quiz/Timed assignment after you already started;  the time will keep counting even if you leave the quiz/assignment.

  • Each Question has its assigned points clearly beside it, part of the question is automatically graded, the justification part usually left to your teacher evaluation.    

  • A submission confirmation report is an important document, keep it where you can retrieve it when needed.