• Feature Description:

A quiz is a quick and informal assessment of your knowledge to briefly test your level of comprehension regarding course material, providing teachers with insights into your progress and any existing knowledge gaps.

Assignment however is the confirmation of your understanding of lessons' learning outcomes. 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account,  Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you want to view its assessments then select the Assessment tap 

  • Explanation Video:

    • How To:

  1. Select Assessments tab
  2. Click on the "Filter" Button to filter: Assessment type: Quiz/ Assignment and Status: Available, Started/ completed, Missed OR search for a keyword. 
  3. This bar is to show different Info related to each assessment: Title, Type, Status and actions 
  4. Click on This"Arrow" to Start available assessment OR preview completed assessments 
  5. List of your assessments

  • Feature Tips:

  • Different assessment states have different actions: 
    • Submitted quizzes, are the quizzes you successfully submit and its due date is not finished yet and you can't take any actions on this type
    • Available quizzes are the quizzes available for you to take and its due date is not finished yet you can start this type whenever you are ready to complete.
    • Canceled quizzes are the quizzes canceled by the teacher for various reasons get back to him for further information
    • Missed quizzes, are the quizzes you missed their due date without solving them, You can preview them only
    • Finished quizzes, are the quizzes you successfully submit and its due date is finished and you can view their model answer