• Feature Description:

Quiz grading is the feature that deals with the grade of the quiz and how you can modify/Correct/delete it

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new quiz inside, then select the Assessment tap then Click next to the completed quiz you want to deal with its grade to view the submissions then press on any of them to edit

  • Video Explanation:

  • How To:

  1. The name of the Quiz you're evaluating
  2. The name of the student you're evaluating 
  3. Quiz grading status, once all manual grades are filled, this status will be "Graded", Note that even is you want to give zero as a manual grade, you have to fill this in its grade box in order to be considered a grade -Blank is not a grade-
  4. List of quizzes needs grading, you can navigate between students from here 
  5. Go to next student in "needs grading" list
  6. The time that was taken for the student to finish the quiz compared to total quiz time
  7. The number of question that student answered whether right or wrong
  8. Automatic grading total: The submission grade in this quiz (without any modifications from the teacher side)
  9. The Bonus added to their grade if you want to add any press on the "pencil
  10. Their final grade in this quiz including any edits from teacher, using the Icon beside this title will reset all edits done by teacher and return to only the automated grades.

Note that:

  • Submission grade denotes the total of grades of the quiz questions (either automatically graded or manually by teacher)
  • Bounus is an optional grade that teacher may want to add (Not exceeding the total grade of Quiz)
  • Final grade is the total of submission and bounus grades.

  • Feature Tips:

  1. The grade that the student received for their answer to the question marked in green if correct and in red if wrong (according to model answer by teacher)
  • The final look of the MCQ question after the student answers them- No justification is required
  • The final look of the T/F question after the student answers them- No justification is required
  • The final look of the Fill In The Blanks question after the student answers them - Model answer labels in green

2- In cases of T/F and MCQ, the question might has two grade boxes (when the question requires justification)

  • Half/Part of the grade that the student received for their answer to the question (Automated)
  • The other half/Part of the grade that the student received for their justification to their answer (Manual)

3- Both grades are editable and will add up to make the question total. you can edit automated grades as well in case you don't want each part of question to have exactly half of question grade. 

4- If you edited an Automated grade (in T/F, MCQ or FIB ) a flag icon will appear beside the edited grade, this flag is seen by students as well. You can reset all edits from the "reverse" Icon beside final grade on top of the assessment.

5- Note that the model answer of justification is displayed under the student answer textbox.

6- Essay questions are manually graded, model answer is provided to you while grading, as well as to your student while previewing completed quizzes.