• Feature Description:

True or False question is a type enables you to cover a wide area of knowledge. Can be constructed out of a few words, which makes them less dependent on the learner's ability to read carefully. Take very little time to be answered. On average, a learner can answer 3-4 true/false questions per minute. therefore are marked and scored electronically.

  • Feature Path:

From your Account Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new quiz inside then select the Assessment tap then after you finish setting up the quiz settings follow these creation steps. 

  • Explanation Video:

  • How To:

  1. The name of the question type you are currently working on
  2. Write The question grade 
  3. Write The body of the question that will be visible to the students In this box 
  4. Choose the Correct answer to the question by ticking next to it
  5. If this question requires a justification Tick next to "require justification "
    • Once you require a justification, some options appears concerning student answer, next to each option is a box that you will write the limit you permit for the student as follows:
      • No limit: Student can answer as long/short answer as he/she wants.
      • Word Limit is to limit the student with a limited number of words when they are  answering this assignments
      • Character Limit is to limit
        the student with a limited number of Characters when they are answering this assignment, be aware that a space is considered a characte
  6. If this question requires a justification after Ticking  "require justification " fill this box with the model answer of  justification of the question  
  7. In case you want to Duplicate the question click on "Duplicate Question" to make another copy of it beneath it 
  8. In case you want to Delete the question click on "Delete Question" to Delete it
  9. Click on the "Back" button to go back to the previous page
  10. Click on the "Save Draft" button to save your progress
  11. Click on the "Save" button to save and go back to the previous page 

Feature Tips:

  • The model answer of justification will be only used as guidance while correction and will be displayed to students in quiz review- after completion-. The justification part of the question will be waiting for your correction manually to be graded

  • Each question can have a different grade according to your estimation of its weight you can add this grade while creating the question as explained in number 2 above. Or you can finish creating questions first then use the "Distribute Equally" option from Quiz headed   

  • For each question grade you add, you will find the question grade total out of the Quiz grade total is displayed on the quiz header.

  • The quiz will not be submitted unless the questions grade total is equal to Quiz grade total

  • The quiz will not be submitted unless there is a correct answer marked.