• Feature Description:

Be updated and engage with your school community and course activities. From the Announcements tap, you can view all of  the Announcements  sent to you from the school community 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Announcements from the left menuthen follow the steps below

  • How To:

  1. Filter the announcements you want to see based on their status, audience, and author
  2. Click on the "Announcements" tap to view all of the currently active announcements
  3. Click on the "Archived" tap to view all of the archived announcements, once it is Expired
  4. Type in the "Search bar" the name of the announcement you are looking for for an easier access
  5. Choose the number of announcements you want to view on each page
  6. Click on the next or previous "Arrow" to switch between the announcements pages
  7. View the highlights of each and every announcement here
  8. Here you can see the details of the announcement you click on
    • From/To
    • Title
    • Announcement validity duration (after which it will be archived)
    • Announcement content
    • Announcement  Audience
  9. In some announcements, the comment feature is enabled if so write your comment here
  10. Click on the "Comment" button to post your comment
  11. this label shows the states of the announcement
  12. Click on "New Announcement" to create a new Announcement 

  • Feature Tips:

  • New Announcements notification will appear on the top right notification area of your dashboard.