• Feature Description:

Send an Announcement to your students, parents, for easier communication and fast reply wherever you are and whichever device you are using 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account, Select Announcements from the left menuthen follow the creation steps 

  • How To:

  1. Type in the "Announcement Title" the header of your announcement
  2. Choose in the "Publication date" when do you want your announcement  to be visible to the audience
  3. Choose in the "Expiry date" when do you want your announcement  to disappear from your audience announcement inbox and be moved to the archived tab.
  4. You can see here the type of announcement  you are creating which is "course-specific", that means it's dedicated to one of the courses you are assigned to only.
  5. Click on "Audience" to choose whom do you want to receive this announcement  (Parents/Students)
  6. Click on this button to add courses by their course template not their name for mass selecting
  7. Click on this button to add more courses to the list of courses receiving this announcement 
  8. Write Here the body of the announcement you want to publish, You can use the "Rich text editor"
  9. Click on this button or drag a file to it in case you want to insert an attachment to your announcement 
  10. Tick the "Allow comments"  box if you want the audience to be able to comment on this announcement, 
  11. Click on the "Send" button to send your announcement.

  • Feature Tips:

  • You need to recheck the announcement every once and while for new comments.

  • The announcement will be visible to target audience only when its publish date comes.

  • HOP and Principal can monitor the announcement and comment -if allo