• Feature Description:

This is the view that shows you a list of quizzes/ assignments and the different management you can do to each one of them

  • Feature Path:

From your Account Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you need to create a new assessment inside, then follow the steps below

  • Explanation video:

  • How To:

  1. Navigate to the Assessment tab
  2. The bar shows the different Info related to each assessment, you can use any of them to order assessments. Each column holds very important information about the assessment as follows:

    • Name: The name you give while creating the assessment
    • Type: Assessment type: Quiz, assignment, or Homework
    • Due Date: The date you determined in the assessment setting as the due date, after this date/time assessments are missed if not turned in
    • Avg: The average score of all students, only available after the assessment is completed or the due date is due.
    • Status:  Each assessment could have the following status:
      • Draft: assessment is just created and saved, no student can see it yet

      • Started: Student will see assessment once it is start date/time is due

      • Completed: assessment due date/time is due OR all students have already submitted      

  3. Click on the "Filter" button to filter the assessments
      • You can filter by Assessment type: (Quiz/ Assignment), Status, OR just type a keyword by which you search for a certain assignment.
      • Clear All, remove all filter parameters.
  4. Click on "Add New Assessment" to create a new Assessment
  5. List of all created assessments and their info.
  6. The status of each assessment
  7. Seen by shows number of users who has seen the assessment.
  8. Click on "The pencil shape" to edit the draft assessment, If an eye shape is displayed that means that you can only see a preview of the assessment -as it is started- and monitor student's submissions
  9. Click on "The submission shape" to view the assessment submissions
  10. Click on the "Action menu" to edit/delete the assessment