• Feature Description:

Be updated and engage with your Course community and course activities. From the Announcements tap, you can view all of  the Announcements  related to this course sent to you from the course community 

  • Feature Path:

Login to your Account,  Select Courses from the left menu, then select the course you want to view its announcements then follow steps below

Explanation video:

How to :

  1. Select announcements tab

  2. Filter the announcements you want to see based on their status, audience, and/or author

  3. Click on the "Announcements" tap to view all of the currently active announcements

  4. Click on the "Archived" tap to view all of the archived announcements 

  5. Type in the "Search bar" the name of the announcement you are looking for for an easier access

  6. View the highlights of each and every announcement here
  7. Here you can see the details of the announcement you click on